Tuesday, April 26, 2022


Having the courage to be disliked means being able to risk rejection, judgement, and abandonment. It means living honestly. Having radical understanding of what motivates your conflicts. Having radical understanding of your feelings. It means, trying to connect without pretense. Offering kindness and tenderness because it is what feels right, not because you want to be applauded or because you fear what will happen if you do not. It means setting boundaries and saying "no" even if you are not sure how the other person will respond. It means not fearing assertiveness. It means understanding your growth won't be for everyone. That some people will see your self care as an affront to them. That means they aren't where you are, yet. But it doesn't mean you need to go back. Having the courage to be disliked means having opportunity to be truly seen and then truly liked by those around you. It opens the door for strong and healthy relationships with yourself and others.
