Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Richard Carlson (part 1)

All of us have within ourselves a great deal of wisdom, something you might call innate mental health. Unfortunately, however this inner wisdom is often interfered with by all the confusing and conflicting thoughts, ideas, plans, and fears that fill our minds.

To go inside yourself you must empty your mind and clear your head.

The less you care about seeking approval, the more approval you seem to get.

The Truth is we don’t have to find the cure for cancer to "make a difference", we can do small things, by taking small steps and actions, our lives can become instruments of Love and Compassion.

As you learn to respect the value of a quiet clear mind and place your attention on this moment, you will nurture your ability to be present moment oriented, free from your worries, concerns, and inner tribulations; all of those things that eventually turn into insecurity and self destructive or erratic behavior.

We are different at every age, and beautiful too. Thank G-d for how boring to stay exactly the same for our whole lives. Your acceptance of aging will add peace to your path, and you will be all the more beautiful because of it.

Nothing helps us build our perspective more than developing compassion for others...

When your busy comparing one person to another or one experience to something else, you often miss out on what's right before you. Being trapped in comparisons is nothing more than a habit. A way of thinking about life. The solution for it is quite simple, stop doing it. when you break the comparison habit, or at least lessen its grip on the way you see the world, you’ll begin to notice that life really is an adventure. Each experience is unique and worthy, just the way it is.

Fearful, frantic thinking takes an enormous amount of energy and it drains the creativity and motivation from our lives.

Gently remind yourself that life is okay the way it is, right now.

Achievements and accomplishments are important but they can take you only so far. In the end, what really matters, and what people remember you for and how you value yourself; is all about the type of person you are and the type of role model you become.

One of the keys to being happier and handling life with more ease is to know your hot spots: Those emotional triggers that leave you feeling vulnerable, frustrated, stressed, or agitated-those triggers which you consistently react to in a negative way.

Don’t keep people waiting. Time is precious to Everyone. One of the ultimate slaps and surefire ways to annoy someone is to keep them waiting. I think its easy to forget that other people have stressful lives and demands and pressures that we can’t even begin to imagine.

One of the best strategies, especially when dealing with relatively minor stuff is to remember to keep your sense of humor and to not take it too seriously.

Stress will decrease and happiness will increase as a result of knowing you are doing the best you can to be a part of as many solutions as possible.

I will always have the ideal set of friends as long as I accept the fact that not everyone I think should be my friend will be. That’s the important part that will free you from feeling bad when you’re not feeling accepted by certain people.

So much of the time when we are sweating or stressing about something, its because we are resisting something that we have little or no control over rather than accepting it for what it is.

So ask yourself the question when you get insecure, "Will this matter a year from now?"

One of the greatest sources of inner peace that I’m aware of is expressed in this motto, "It is as it is." This prescription for peace is a reminder that there are times in life when acceptance is a far wiser choice than the option to struggle.

While it's important not to live in fear of calamity, you can take an assessment of your skills and current marketability, even if you have no plans or intentions of seeking employment.

Just as we wouldn’t intentionally rub salt into an open abscess, if we absolutely must vent we should try doing it with one person one time and let it go after that.

We must not look to another individual for our fulfillment, we must look to ourselves.

Feelings and thoughts are temporary experiences-even the bad ones will lift and go away. When they do, everything will look different, less hostile and frightening.

Seeing the innocence in others is a powerful tool for transformation; we can "look beyond" behavior.

Knowing what it is that tends to push your buttons allows you to take a step back, see it coming, and make any necessary allowance so that you wont be bothered so much.

I’ve found that doing the occasional "nice thing" for someone acts sort of like a reset button, It has the effect of helping us to remember to keep our perspective. If Little acts of kindness make our own lives better and do some good for someone else why in the world don’t we do more of it?

Remind yourself over and over again that you are a competent bright person who will find a way to rise to the occasion whatever the occasion happens to be. You must believe in yourself because you are worth it.

While I don’t have as much control over which thoughts come to mind as perhaps I would like, I do have a great deal of control over which thoughts I give significance to and decide to act upon.

Step back, Slow down and reflect on the miracle of life, on the gift of being here on this planet for this brief period of time, its easy to see how connected we really are to everything else and each other.

Being fulfilled is not something you can delegate. You must take charge of your own happiness and emotional well-being.

All of us are part of certain solutions and a part of other problems. The value of reflecting on this issue is that it gives us a chance to take an honest look and to assess where we are in terms of our own contribution to humanity, compared to where we might want to be.

Everyone has innate health, as all people have direct access to a health motivated outlook, no matter what their past involves or their current situation. This state of mind is characterized by Maturity, Good judgment, Social competence, Positive self worth and Motivation.

People need only to become less attached to conditioned habits of self defeating alienated thoughts to gain access to healthy functioning. This step engages a self renewing process.

The ability to live in healthy functioning is accelerated by an understanding of what this healthy state is and from where it originates.

Continual growth and change is reinforced through realizations about the role of thought in relation to our behavior in our day to day lives.

To engage healthier states of mind there is no need to work through past traumas or to re-experience negative feelings.

We process and interpret experience via thought. Since people carry Their past into the present through their thinking, it helps tremendously to understand how thought functions as we move in and out of healthy states of mind.

Positive change occurs through insights brought out by a person's experience of new, more positive feeling states.

My goal is to educate myself and other people about their own capacity for healthy functioning, beginning with these new, more hopeful feelings.

To fulfill my role/goal, I must be able to see health inside of people, develop respectful empowering relationships, and to teach people about their capacity for health while providing support and understanding without fostering dependency.

The catalyst for change is my depth of understanding of the source of their own innate capacity for mental health. This recognition allows others to see this capacity in others.

Since everyone has this capacity, they can be empowered to improve the quality of their personal lives, to build a healthier family environment, and to create viable, empowered communities using these principles.

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