Wednesday, January 23, 2008

What steps can be taken to reduce the need for approval

Step 1: Identify and refute the irrational belief that the approval of others is necessary in order for you to feel good about yourself.

Step 2: Identify your fear of: rejection, neglect, abandonment, disapproval, and look for the origins of these fears. Identify rational means to desensitize yourself to these fears.

Step 3: Develop an inventory of the positive attributes you possess. Ask others to assist you in making the list all inclusive.

Step 4: Develop a list of positive affirmation self-talk scripts you can use to affirm yourself on a regular basis.

Step 5: Reflect on your feelings about conflict events. Do not avoid conflict situations, but use positive assertiveness to maintain your position and protect your rights. Emphasize how you feel about the issue by using ``I'' statements.

Step 6: Answer the question: What do I gain if I am agreeable and pleasing to everyone in my life and never take a ``stand'' on how I really feel about things?

Step 7: Develop a list of issues important in your life, those you never let others know about for fear of their reaction to them. Develop a plan of action by which you systematically let others know your beliefs concerning these issues.

Step 8: If you find you are still working out of a need for approval, return to Step 1 and begin again.

Remember WGAS when you are stuck in your approval seeking mode. To get yourself out of it just tell yourself: "Who Gives a Shoot! what they think or say about me. I am OK just the way I am."

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