Tuesday, November 23, 2010

What it's Like to Date a Aquarius Woman

The Aquarius woman is the ultimate independent woman. She is funny, smart, adventurous, never clingy or jealous, never demanding and not overly emotional. She is unpredictable and craves excitement. Anything goes with this woman and any man that she chooses will have an amazing relationship. Court her and woo her, she expects this ladylike treatment, she is old fashioned in that sense but be known that her mind is already made up and if she is not interested, she will never be interested. The relationship will progress slowly because she does not get emotionally involved very easily and she is not one for showy displays of romantic affection. The man who is trying to win her heart has to treat her with respect and treat her as an equal. Communication is key, this is how a relationship with an Aquarius woman evolves. Once she trusts you and you two grow closer, she is an amazing loyal and kindhearted person. She will always seem to be detached, she fears losing her identity in a relationship so do not be surprised if even in a long term relationship she seems more like a fiend then a romantic partner. Do not press her emotionally or tie her down with demands and obligations because this will cause her to run. Never be jealous, this is a big red flag to her and she will leave right away, the Aquarius woman can never be tied down, she is free as a bird. If you give her all she needs, she will be completely faithful so you should not worry when she is out on her own, give her space and respect her privacy and all will be well. Aquarius woman is for the man who loves a challenge and adventure.

Aquarius Woman

Aquarius Woman

If you are in love with a woman in this zodiac be prepared to be very happy or be very sorry. She is a very busy person with her own matters similar to a guy in this zodiac. She is able to live by herself without any guy in her life, a very strong person indeed.

Not because she does not have a dream guy, but if she can not find such person, so what. Because she thinks she could do anything that a man can do. She is a leader , a real confident type.

She likes to do things by herself
, such as serving herself, opening the door herself. Because she thinks waiting for a helping hand is a waste of time, and she is not patient enough to wait around for that. If she starts to ask you out, do not think she starts to flirt with you, but because she thinks it is a waste of time to wait for you to be the one who asked.

She likes a COOL guy who sometime act like he is ignoring her, so he has a chance to show him his own confident. She like to guess her man's reaction, but at the same time she likes to have many men wanting her. She is a daring type who could just do thing differently from other people in her same society. She dare to fight for what she thinks belonged to her.

Even she acts confident she mostly feel lonely and alone. If she breaks up with someone, she won't show any emotion even deep down inside pain and agony. Not for long she will come back to be the cheery and merry person again, because she looks at the world positively and has "Faith" in the word "Love".

She has more men friends than women friends, so do not be a jealous type if you date her. She could be slightly jealous, but she hates jealous guy. She loves "Freedom" so before and after marriage, her freedom has to be the same. She likes you to trust her, even if she does not trust you anyhow.

She likes to be the one who is "Right", so if you argue with her, let her win if it is not a big deal for you in that subject. She is a straight forward type, so if she does not love you anymore, she will just tell you straight to your face. Her love and relationship are always real, so if she say "It's over" be prepare to leave, she is not testing you.

She is not a vulnerable type, so do not have to worry about her, she will survive by herself. If she is with you when you get sick, she will certainly take care and look after you, even look after you mean "small loan". Do not have secret with her, she hates it and really can piss her badly. When she is sad, be understanding. When she is happy, be happy with her, she likes that.

You will not get bore with this type of girl. Someone who is close to her will know that deep down beneath that confident and cold hearted person, she is just as fragile as any woman. She is a fun and talkative person and she likes to tease you. Do not let she talk alone, if you do she will leave.

She has many type of jobs because she believes what a man can do, I can do. If you want her to work for you, forget it. When she is in love, she will just leave her job in the day time just to come to see you, but not for long she will go back to work seriously again. Prepare to live and love with a "Working Woman" then you will be OK.

If she mad, find a shelter for the "Hurricane" is here! Her bad temper will last very shortly though. She is not a revenge type and will not think of "pay back" time. Most people might think of her as "One of a guy", but in fact she is a 100% woman. She is easily hurt, so be nice with her. If she really loves you, then you are lucky because she is an honest, truthful and will never bore you. Understand that sometimes she will be over confident and sometimes like to have power or act bossy.

Aquarius Part 1

Step 1
Engage is some intellectual rapport with your Aquarius friend or acquaintance. There's nothing that an Aquarius appreciates more than mental stimulation. Talk about politics, philosophy , psychology and science to really get her gears turning.

Step 2
Avoid letting yourself take anything personally in any kind of debate that may naturally occur between you and an Aquarius. It is Aquarius' nature to grow extremely opinionated and contrary while debating and he may even take the exact opposite position on a topic to simply force you to see the other side. They are constantly questioning ideas, and while they may be very dogmatic about a concept one day, they might not be the next. Do not let this get to you. If you are bothered by having your ideals coming into question, decline to participate in debate.

Step 3
Expect an Aquarius to be unpredictable. She may be gregarious, personable and extroverted one day and be quiet and thoughtful the next. She is also given to wild experimentation in her way of doing things. Do not be disturbed by this, it simply comes along with the type of person who is constantly questing for some kind of truth.

Step 4
Grow a bit of a thicker shell if you're the sensitive type, because Aquarius tends to "call it like he sees it." This can be viewed as overly assertive and tactless by some, but Aquarius is just trying to cut past the fluff so that he can get to the center of the matter. If an Aquarius touches on your insecurities or hypocrisies (big or small), it's better to listen to what he has to say than get angry at him because it is more productive.

Step 5
Understand that Aquarius can be a very unemotional and detached sign. When growing to be closer and closer friends, you may intuitively start expecting a more sensitive side to emerge that you can open up to. Don't be disappointed if this does not happen. You can still pour your heart out to an Aquarius and explain every overpowering emotional experience you've ever undergone, and she will listen with her undivided attention. It is simply that she processes these things more like a scientist fascinated by how you work, than a sympathizing ear. This does not mean she doesn't love you or care about you--it's just the way she is.

Aquarius people are original and do not follow anyone else. They enjoy being different from others. The personalities of most Aquarius people are progressive, liberal, with a fixed opinion. Because of Aquarius inflexibility they will have conflicts with many people. They ignore what others think and go off on their own way of thinking. They think of boredom in the terms of a disease and try to avoid it as often as they can. They fully expect others to accept them exactly as they are, or they don't have much use for them in their lives.

They have an unmistakable stubborn streak, but when left to be themselves, they make unusual and endlessly interesting people to be around.

Aquarius people seem to live in their own minds. They are open-minded and seek knowledge. They do not let their emotions get involved in their decisions. Therefore their judgments are done objectively. They tend to have a mistrust of emotions, which results in inner conflicts with themselves. Aquarius people are outgoing and people oriented. They can tolerate most people’s weaknesses. They are often concerned with the well being of the world. They do not get to close in relationships because they prefer to stay distant from others.
Independence is important to Aquarius and they will sacrifice anything to keep it. If they begin to feel trapped they will try everything to get free. They enjoy seeing others happy. Aquarius people want to do something important and meaningful in their life. They are creative and imaginative. But they are not interested in doing any hard work. They prefer to come up with an idea and let others do the work. They like to act like an expert in any field even though they might not know much about the subject.
Aquarius people are not quick to point out other’s faults. They enjoy arguing with others as an intellectual exercise. They take joy in verbally provoking people who they see as dull. They are determined not to be like anyone else. They are very kind people. Aquarius people are easygoing, honest, helpful, and reasonable people. They believe in live and let live. They are never boring and can change other people’s lives for the better.
Aquarius people who are in love focus all their interest into that one person. Their being seems to be on a higher plane while in love. They are very sincere, friendly, and liberal individuals. They enter social relationships prepared to give the best of them self. To keep an Aquarius person’s love you must love them completely and give them their freedom. Most Aquarius people are interested in books, science, and gadgets.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Основные правила жизни.

Правило Зеркала

Окружающие меня люди — мои зеркала. Они отражают особенности моей собственной личности, часто не осознаваемые мною. Например, если кто–то мне хамит, значит, я так хочу, я это позволяю. Если кто–то снова и снова обманывает меня, значит, я склонен к тому, чтобы поверить любому. Так что обижаться не на кого.

Правило Выбора

Я осознаю, что все происходящее в моей жизни — есть результат моего собственного выбора. И если сегодня я общаюсь со скучным человеком, значит, я сам скучен и занудлив. Нет плохих и злых людей – есть несчастные. Если я разгребаю их проблемы, значит, мне это нравится. Так что не к кому предъявить претензии. Я сам причина всего, что происходит со мной. Автор и творец своей судьбы — я сам.

Правило Погрешности

Я согласен с тем, что могу ошибаться. Не всегда мое мнение или мои поступки другие люди должны считать правильными. Реальный мир не только черное и белое, есть еще светло–серое и темно–белое. Я не ИДЕАЛ, я просто хороший человек и имею право на ошибку. Главное – суметь признать её и вовремя исправить.

Правило Соответствия

Я имею ровно то, и ровно столько, чему я соответствую, чего заслуживаю, не больше, не меньше, касается ли это отношений с людьми, работы или денег. Если я не могу любить человека на полную катушку, смешно требовать, чтобы этот человек ТАК любил меня. Так что все мои претензии бессмысленны. И вместе с тем, когда я сам решаю измениться — меняются и окружающие меня люди (в лучшую сторону).

Правило Зависимости

Мне никто ничего не должен. Я же способен и могу бескорыстно помочь всем, кому могу. И мне это в радость. Чтобы стать добрым, надо стать сильным. Чтобы стать сильным, надо поверить в то, что я всё могу. А я верю! Но надо и уметь говорить «НЕТ!»

Правило Присутствия

Я живу здесь и сейчас. Прошлого нет, потому что каждую следующую секунду наступает настоящее. Будущего нет, потому что его еще нет. Привязанность к прошлому приводит к депрессии, озабоченность будущим порождает тревогу. Пока я живу настоящим, я НАСТОЯЩИЙ. Есть повод порадоваться.

Правило оптимизма

Пока мы ругаем жизнь, она проходит мимо. Глаза видят, ноги ходят, уши слышат, сердце работает, Душа радуется. (Могло быть и хуже…).Остальное зависит от меня.