Monday, February 8, 2010

The Elements Of Emotional Maturity

Ability to genuinely listen to others without judgment

Ability to tolerate others' disagreements or behaviors without losing control or lashing out

Ability to fight fair, to argue without making it personal, to compromise

Ability to see another person's perspective

Ability to cope with unexpected change

Ability to recognize your feelings as they occur

Ability to express your feelings appropriately

Ability to control strong emotions or impulses

Ability to take responsibility for your actions and behaviors

Ability to build and maintain friendships and get nourishment from them

Ability to recognize that no one is responsible for your emotional state (i.e. codependency)

Ability to accept reality without resignation or dwelling on it's negative aspects

Ability to maintain perspective under trying circumstances

Ability to learn from your mistakes and change your behavior accordingly

Ability to delay gratification, to work toward a goal on an ongoing basis without taking shortcuts that are illegal or self-destructive

Ability to clearly describe your emotional needs

Ability to apologize when appropriate

Ability to forgive

Ability to keep your word and be dependable

Ability to recognize your own needs and meet them

Ability to seek support and ask for help

Ability to question your own assumptions

Ability to maintain balance in your life between work, family, personal needs

Having a sense of when not to talk, ability to maintain silence when needed

Sense of humor including about yourself

Ability to be kind to yourself

Ability to feel joy and gratitude in your daily life

Ability to prioritize important tasks over less important tasks without getting bogged down by minutia

Accountable for yourself and your actions

Flexibility, the ability to adapt and adjust to changing circumstances

Ability to maintain boundaries in relationships

Ability to assess others' needs and act accordingly

Ability to be part of society and to work for the greater good of others

The ability to enjoy the successes of others without envy or jealousy

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