Friday, February 28, 2014

You're in this moment and then you spend a lot of time thinking about 'Oh, it's always been this way and look what happened before and this happened before.  This is my 8th crisis.' On and on and on - so what's that do?  I mean, this moment may be bad but think how much worse it is. Now you've got not only this crisis but every other crisis you've ever had in your life.  

And then, what some of us also do, is not only do we bring the past in but we start imagining every crisis we're going to have in the future. So it's not only do I have this problem, but now I've got all my future problems. 'This is terrible. It's never going to stop. It's really awful. I can't stand it.  What am I going to do?  Datta da.  Datta da.'  I mean really, you can go on and on.  So what happens?  You not only suffer this moment but you suffer the past moments and the future moments. 

Now I've got to tell you one thing.  When you're suffering usually the moment is enough.  In other words the current moment is all filled up with suffering.  You don't really need more suffering and if you add more suffering in, the crisis just gets worse. You're more likely to do something that'll make it worse. It's not a good idea.

The idea in one thing in the moment is to throw yourself completely, totally, into the moment.  You'd be amazed.  This is one of the most effective skills I teach.  Most people don't like it at the beginning because it's hard to imagine it would work.  And then people come back a couple of years later, I say to them, 'What's the most important thing you learned?'  You'd be amazed how many people tell this was the most important skill they learned.

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