Thursday, March 10, 2016

Know Who You Are and Be That Person

"Know who you are and be that person"

~Mark Cuban

Self-trust is a willingness to believe. The sooner you take the risk of believing that you can handle whatever life throws at you, the sooner you will be eliminating anxiety and reducing stress.

In all life situations, recognize that you have a choice. You will experience more stress if you feel that you are a victim. Victims by definition are powerless. In order to empower yourself, you are going to need to recognize that, even if you can't change the circumstance of your stressor (i.e., getting fired, finding out that you have mono, etc.) you can change the way you think and interpret your circumstance. Don't allow insecurity to dictate. If you do, it will only be doom and gloom.

Recognize that learning to trust is learning to risk believing in yourself, begin with small steps, for example, next time you have to choose between vanilla or chocolate, go ahead and trust your instincts—don't overthink it. In time you will be making bolder choices and building confidence. Keep in mind, it isn't about always making the "right" choice, it's just being able to risk being you in the moment and finding out that even if the vanilla was a poor choice, it's not the end of the world. You'll be learning that you don't have to fear life or yourself.

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