"I respect myself
when I have the courage to overcome my doubts and fears, and risk painful
failure, conflict, and rejection by confronting some scary person or challenge."
“I feel really
good about myself when I consistently fulfill my responsibilities to others and
myself thoroughly, honestly, to the best of my abilities.”
"I respect myself when I know my limits, rights, and boundaries, assert them
clearly, and can say 'No' without major shame, guilt, or anxiety."
“I appreciate the way I creatively balance work, play, and rest most days,
and take consistent care of my health and security in effective ways.”
"I'm pleased
with myself when I use my talents to benefit other people, without
getting egotistical, self-neglectful, or codependent."
"I admire myself
when IS can defer short term pleasure for long-term satisfaction."
"I like being
Me most when I act on my beliefs and values (my integrity) even if it upsets
other people and risks their disapproval and rejection."
"I respect myself when I admit my mistakes promptly, apologize to others if
I've hurt them, and try to learn from my errors."
"I like that I'm usually genuine with other people - I don't have to
pretend to be someone I'm not."