Monday, February 5, 2024

Progress So Far


Here's an attempt to expand upon and add more meaning to each healing process bullet point:


  • Broke trauma bond: Monumental to lovingly detach from unhealthy enmeshment, claim your autonomous self.
  • Built secure relationship: Huge to learn trusting interdependency out of codependent adaptations. Allows vulnerability.
  • Increased self-confidence and boundaries: Core developmental deficits healed by internalizing your worth and honoring consent.
  • Reduced people-pleasing patterns: Transformational shift not needing others’ approval to feel safe or adequately attached. Centered in your skin.
  • Demystified CPTSD biology and symptoms: Massively empowering to replace confusion with science-based clarity and self-compassion around nervous system patterns. Makes healing possible.
  • Able to lean into discomfort for further growth: Immense courage meeting activation compassionately. Strengthens window of tolerance for all arising internal energies wanting integration.

In Progress:

  • Incrementally convincing nervous system it is safe now: Building embodied trust little by little through presence heals attachment wounds sustaining old defenses. Returns agency.
  • EMDR to process old memories into cohesive narrative: Fundamentally integrative work so past flows through rather than remaining trapped outside time.
  • Normalizing and allowing pendulation between emotional states: Huge shift accepting temporary dysregulation states non-judgmentally as part of rhythmic healing. Returns locus of control inward.
  • Building skills for tolerating emotional flashbacks: Developing resources to reliably reassure exile parts from past means fewer painful crisis reactions destabilize the present. Returns continuity and peace.

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