Monday, July 7, 2014

Anxiety/Panic Toolkit

Anxiety/Panic Toolkit

-Realize that primitive brain took over. Do not fight it. Do not avoid it. ACCEPT IT and invite it.
-You are stuck. Take your foot of the gas pedal
-Start abdominal breathing
-Completely stop all self-checking
-Stop fighting your body, ride the wave, let body do its thing. It is metabolizing adrenaline
-Stop any problem-solving with primitive brain. You are blocked.
-Label and dismiss all ANTs (ticker tape, leaves down the river).  Visualize ANTs as actual ants in your head.  ANTs are like small, spoiled brats who crave attention. The panic wants me to pay attention to them.
-One mindfully. Stay in the present.
-Detach and observe (Movie Theater).
-Grounding (name all objects in the room, counting backwards etc)
-Disregard any physical symptoms (headache, stomach growling, chest tightness, sluggishness, exhaustion, disturbed sleep etc). These are all related to anxiety.
-Coping statements
Calmly tell yourself “This will pass”, “I have been through this before and nothing bad happened, it was just uncomfortable”, “I can allow my body to go through its reactions and handle this, and I’ve done it before”
-Build on every successfully tolerated attack. Reward yourself.
-Do non judge yourself for having anxiety. It is a part of you. Self-soothe
-Opposite action
-Build positive experiences (eat in favorite place, massage etc)

-Have fun. Spend time with kids. Enjoy them

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