The Fridge Exercise
One exercise of imagination, which will help you to come
to an awareness of your higher self, is the metaphor of the fridge:
-“So I would like you to imagine that you’re a fridge! The
first thing that happens is that somebody comes along and puts some butter in
you... what do you do?”
-Most people at this point say “Keep it cold.”
-“And somebody else puts some milk in you, what do you
-“Keep it cold.”
-“And somebody else puts a dirty old boot in you, what do
you do?” Here there is usually some hesitation, but, sometimes prompted by
“You’re a fridge”, people more or less reluctantly say,
-“Keep it cold”.
-“Right! And why is there no point in you, as a fridge, getting
upset about the presence of the old boot (although it’s entirely understandable
that you may not like it!)?” People usually see that it’s because, as the
fridge, they are not in control of what comes into or goes out of them. “And do
you think you are the butter, the milk or the old boot?”
-“No, I’m the fridge.”
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