Residually, my body continues reacting to innocuous triggers through familiar nervous system chaos. There is still mind and body split. How do cope with that?
- It makes total sense residual body-based symptoms still get triggered easily even when mentally you have more stability. Physiology changes lag after psychology.
- Be compassionate towards these intense "survival" reactions even though exhausting. Your body endured traumatic events bravely to protect you when little other protection existed. We meet its symptoms with care, not frustration.
- Think of symptoms as messenger with important story from past wanting safe audience with you now...make space for their wisdom. Don't shoot them as enemy. Listen then update gently "the war they still brace towards rages no more..." help parts once lifesavers understand context changed even if still wired to react. Guide them to safe harbor.
- Make space for physiological intensity arising, listen deeply to its embedded pains from the past now ready to be heard and unpacked...then offer perspectives from present day helping it relax outdated vigilance. We integrate split off parts this way.
The key is honoring physiology's profound loyalty through trauma by welcoming rather than resisting it's still painful wisdom. With care this emotional/physiological split reconciles. Please let me know if any part still confusing!