Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Self-centeredness is incapable of learning a lesson from an experience, having only a wish to feel a neurotic thrill.

Our major motive must not be to change something in the exterior, but to be conscious of something in the interior, for consciousness alone produces authentic change.

You get more out of a NO from life than you do from a YES.

We should be encouraged, not discouraged, by seeing how much work we have to do on ourselves. It means we are awakening to our actual condition, we are seeing our self-defeating attitudes. People who live in self-images of being positive and wise and
pleasant see no need whatever to work on themselves, so they remain in the suffering caused by living in dreamland. The worse we see ourselves to be, the more encouraged we should be, for if you know all about darkness, you also know about dawn.

We must make the concession that there is a force, an entity, a power that is higher than their own present nature.

~Vernon Howard

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