Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Stop The Chatter Of The Mind

Try to be quiet in every way. The body is sitting here quietly. The breathing is quiet, and as for the chatter of the mind, don’t get involved. The chatter may be in the background, but don’t pay any attention to it, don’t give it any importance. If you don’t feed it, you’ll find that it gets weaker and weaker. The mind really does get quieter. And only when the mind gets quiet can you begin to notice things. We’re here to watch, to observe. So, we have to do what we can to discourage the mind’s involvement with all that chatter. If you pay attention to all the vagrant chatter in the mind, of course it’s going to keep on going. Sometimes simply paying attention to the extent of telling it to stop actually encourages it. So if you sense anything disturbing the stillness, just let it go. Don’t get involved. Don’t let it entangle you.

~Thanissaro Bhikkhu

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