Sunday, September 2, 2007

Taking Responsibility for Living Happy and Satisfying Life

To live a truly fulfilled life, you must first acknowledge that you are the creator of your own life. You must recognize that the CAUSE of each event in your life is YOU. You must accept responsibility for yourself. A lot of people are afraid of the idea that they have free will and can use it in any manner they wish. Many of us go through life complaining about the situation in our lives that we see as out of our control. In this way, we deny responsibility for the events that occur in our lives.

There are no events or situations outside your control! You have complete freedom to change the things that are happening now in your life. Only you can choose to live a happy or satisfying life and if you are telling yourself that you have to wait even ONE MORE MINUTE before you begin, you are kidding yourself. When we pretend that we need something, outside of ourself, for our continued happiness or peace of mind, we experience what I call ‘attachment’. We attach part of our self-worth to an outside event, person or thing. Then we try to control our feelings of self-worth by attempting to control that person, event or thing. It never works!

Be happy is your birthright. You have the free will to choose your own life. The only catch is that if you don’t use it, someone else will. If you don’t make your own decisions, someone will make them for you, leaving you to wonder why you are always the ‘victim’. If you find yourself in a situation where you feel ‘victimized’ or ‘used’, check your memory banks. Chances are, you passed up an opportunity to make a decision so someone else made the decision for you! It is always up to you to make the life you desire for yourself. Do not wait for permission from another to unfold the real you. You have the permission with each breath you take. Use it! Remember you are the creating intelligence within yourself. Remember that your mind will think constantly, just like breathing, whether you want it to or not. It will think what you desire or what you fear. It is up to you to choose. If you hesitate in your choice, you choose the fear by default. Since you have a choice, wouldn’t it be better to have what you want, rather than what you don’t want? Remember, the time to choose is now, and the time to live happy is now. If you wait until tomorrow, tomorrow will never come.


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