Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Trauma Recovery: Day 65


Please summarize my day today with what I achieved in my trauma recovery. Use easy to understand verbiage with bullet points and take away sentence for each bullet point.

  • When participating in business projects (STRConnect), old feelings of inadequacy may temporarily flood back due to childhood conditioning. Unlearning survival programming wired for decades won’t disappear overnight when activated despite conscious change.
  • Handled lows by opposite action instead of isolating / being timid, remembering emotions shift like waves. We widen capacity for intensity through compassionately riding it out.
  • Supplements can provide soothing edges without emotionally checking out. It's o to take them when needed. The key is staying present with sensation. Loving support, not avoidance of experience, allows us to gently expand capacity for facing wounds.
  • Realized obsessive researching of STRConnect didn't serve me; paused intentionally. Solutions arise after rest. We can't force insight by grasping. Stepping back allows mental space.
  • When lows hit, remembering they pass like a wave prevented making up scary stories. Visualizing waves helps us ride emotional ebbs and flows (Window of Tolerance Sine wave)
  • Saw painful dynamics clearly without harsh self-criticism or taking things personally. With self-kindness, we accept all experiences as teachers.
  • Rebounded much faster into peaceful state after anxiety/exhaustion cycle of Sine wave today using skills. Each recovery win builds confidence for navigating next storms!
  • Each success facing triggers demonstrates newly earned nervous system resilience, replacing feeling at their mercy. This builds confidence to heal. By repeatedly experiencing ourselves handling discomfort, we rewire implicit assumptions we lack power to breaks cycles recreating learned helplessness.

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