Monday, January 15, 2024

More on Hypoarousal


Here is a summary of the key points:

  • The freeze/hypoaroused response causes numbness, disconnection, and fawning behaviors as a natural survival mechanism, not a source of shame AND it's not a depression
  • Training ourselves to break out of fight/flight/freeze is crucial for trauma healing to signal safety to the brain and body.
  • Our brains can’t differentiate actual vs perceived dangers, leading defensive survival reactions that hinder information processing.
  • Getting triggered can cascade into traumatic emotional recall and memories.
  • Physical movement helps break freeze response, releases bodily tension, and convinces the brain it is safe allowing trauma processing on somatic and cognitive levels.
  • Reengaging the body through action sends messages that we are empowered now, no longer helpless or needing to play dead psychologically.

The main ideas are that the freeze trauma response served an important biological purpose but lingers too long after threats pass. Consciously coaxing ourselves out of its grip through physical activation and regained personal power slowly teaches the nervous system updated cues that the present no longer contains past dangers so defensive reactions can relax. Regulating biology from bottom up and top down.

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