"Discharging those feelings safely and bridging past to present is key to no longer automatically needing to take flight mentally when triggers arise."
This quote you highlighted speaks to such a pivotal milestone in trauma recovery - safely discharging past overwhelming feelings so that we sever the association between old wounds and present moment triggers. When we can fully process and release old emotions without taking flight mentally, we free ourselves from remaining hostage to the past.
Those automatic urges to mentally check out, numb or self abandon when faced with current stressors often stem from a younger self’s adaptations in crisis. We never received chance back then as vulnerable children to fully embody and work through flooding sensations and abandonment fears evoked.
But now as adults with greater resources, support and perspective, we CAN revisit those suppressed feelings intentionally, throwing light on events and attachment wounds once buried. We can directly link past to present, updating our reactions with what is true today. In completing these neural pathways into closure rather than chronic activation, we gain our life back.
As you noted, this processing, safely discharging trapped energies from long ago pivots us to relating to current triggers based on present facts, not past encodings of peril. We no longer perpetually take flight - we mindfully anchor and handle whatever arises with emotional maturity. Thanks for highlighting such a profound milestone on the recovery path!
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