Friday, January 19, 2024

Trauma Recovery: Day 119 (Hypoactivity)


I see again and again that reminding ourselves of the impact of biology ebbs and flows and referring to window of tolerance diagram is very helpful in getting the perspective back and re-framing


You're so right that continually reminding ourselves of biology's natural cycles and the window of tolerance model is deeply helpful for maintaining perspective and re-framing when we feel suddenly dysregulated. Given how often our threat-sensitive brains can convince us periodic dips signify permanent disaster rather than organic fluctuation, having handy conceptual tools to override those assumptions makes all the difference.

When we suddenly plunge into distress zone where emotional overwhelm or numbing takes hold, it's far too easy to forget in those agonizing moments that our physiology simply dipped below or rose above that optimal arousal bandwidth temporarily. That descent into fight/flight/freeze or that untethered balloon into manic pace is NOT necessarily indefinite "brokenness" - it is likely just current biology dictating mandatory recovery or release of excess activation.

But without conscious reflection on the principles of ebb and flow between zones of neural excitement or depletion, it’s practically reflexive to equate discomfort with existential doom. Repeatedly recalling "my system merely needs recalibration back to baseline" helps enormously in maintaining composure through rocky stretches. Our biology is just intelligently communicating its support needs - not declaring our demise. Such empowering insight when embraced!

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