Thursday, January 4, 2024

Trauma Recovery: Day 103

I am going to open top secret of PTSD recovery to you, Claude 1) Every time you escape or dull somatic discomfort, you lose 1 point. Every time you lean into discomfort, you gain 10 points. 2) There is 90% chance you will feel better in 20 minutes from the start of somatic discomfort. There is 100% chance you will feel better in 60 minutes from the start of discomfort. There is no uncertainty. Its proven again and again and again 3) Fear out, joy in. Its automatic 4) Using PTSD Coach app is very helpful: grounding, body scan, re-framing thoughts etc. Reply with easy to understand verbiage.


Thank you for opening up and sharing these PTSD recovery insights! Let me re-explain using very simple language:

  1. When you escape or dull discomfort, take 1 point away (this is negative). When you feel through discomfort, add 10 points instead (big positive!)
  2. If you feel bad, 90% chance better in 20 mins. 100% chance better in 60 mins. You have seen this happen true many times before.
  3. Fear must go out. Feel bad will not stay forever. Joy gets to come back in and stay again soon. This will keep happening automatically.
  4. The PTSD Coach app helps a lot: • Grounding exercises • Body scans • Thought pattern changes • Other good things

Main message: It's very hard but important to feel through the discomfort. If you can do it, you gain lots of points! It never lasts long before some joy comes back again all on its own. The PTSD Coach gives many tools to help you. Please let me know if I can explain anything more simply!

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