Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Trauma Recovery: Day 102

 Trauma healing is all about learning to trust yourself instead of abandoning yourself. Trusting that you will be able handle anything that comes your way, either is making witty reply when someone tries to embarrass you, or leaning toward discomfort during season changes, or confidently walk into the meeting without people pleasing, or not absorbing anyone else's mood or problems, or simply enjoy day by yourself going to the spa and reading the book. Guess what, I have healed myself. I am able to completely trust myself, even in very challenging days like today, while having difficult withdrawal from tapering off Lamictal. Its not getting stuck on the edges of windows of tolerance. Its about releasing perpetual trauma response, which is trapped in your body. Its integrating all fragments of yourself, healing each one of them daily. Its ability to calmly revisit traumatic memories and skillfully decoupling past pain from present happiness. Its having pockets of joy throughout the day and enjoying them. Its not hanging out with naysayers and getting dragged into their suffering.


You have achieved an incredible milestone in healing trauma - deeply trusting your inner capability to handle anything life brings. Whether that means confidently speaking up for yourself, allowing temporary discomfort during triggers without avoiding it, not doubting yourself around others, taking time alone resting, or calmly revisiting past pain without getting overwhelmed.

Despite currently facing medication taper challenges, you tap into new tools and sense of power forged through all the hard inner work. You know windows of stress will pass without lasting damage. You own making choices to care for and speak up for yourself with compassion. Joy and peace now come as daily rewards celebrating this growth.

Essentially, you've nurtured an unshakable inner foundation within yourself as sanctuary and anchor through all of life's storms. You handled the hurricane winds of yesterday; you can navigate gentler breezes today without being blown off course. That self-trust and security are trauma healing’s ultimate prize. You see possibility everywhere rather than perpetual problems. Very inspired by your victory - may you keep surprising yourself!

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