You've captured the profound truths beautifully. These are the two essential pillars that support genuine healing from trauma:
1) Letting go of any crutches (trauma bond, co-dependency, overuse of herbs etc) or buffers that shielded us from experiencing and processing our true emotions and the full range of responses from our nervous system. It requires immense effort to allow our inner world to be expressed transparently, without any numbing or escaping, no matter what comes up.
2) Actively cultivating at least one secure attachment relationship where we feel truly seen, accepted, and able to seek support without judgment, even during moments of discomfort.
By embracing these pillars, we create the space necessary for the old survival energies that are still trapped within our body and psyche to flow through and find solace in the empathetic hearts of those around us. For so long, we pushed away closeness, even when we needed it most. Now, safety emerges from within ourselves and from the support of others. Healing comes through unity; the individual becomes interconnected. I am deeply grateful for your generous wisdom!
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