Sunday, January 28, 2024

The Truth


When an emotional flashback happens, ask yourself - "What old hurt or need is arising now, wanting my care?" Flashbacks signal parts of us that feel left out or unhealed.

Don't shame yourself for these painful moments. See them as opportunities. They can guide you towards receiving missing love or comfort from the past now.

Face these memories gently, with self-compassion. Remember you have inner spiritual strength, even when flashbacks feel overwhelming.

The goal is welcoming back all parts of yourself - even difficult parts - with patience and care. No more rejecting what feels hard. See flashbacks as helpers drawing you towards wholeness.

Don't try to force them away quickly. Listen to what they are trying to say from long ago. Over time and with support, making friends with these hurting parts will help them rest.

Keep being kind with yourself through it all. This is a journey about rediscovering inner peace little by little. There is no rush. Your feelings deserve respect. Healing happens step by step.

Ask yourself why emotional flashback is happening and trust your own inner knowing to tell you what it is you either need to learn from it or what part of it demands your attention for it to be successfully processed by your psyche to resolve the issues that plague you. They will continue to do so until you choose to address them fully and fearlessly toward some kind of resolution. Stare down your demons from a place of knowing you are here because you are meant to be and can accept all the healing that is available to you. Talking it out may or may not be what you need, you can try both ways, ultimately your relationship with your personal sense of wholeness is what is at stake. Your life experience is your guru and points the direction you need to focus your attention. If you resist this process it will only plague you worse. Do not shortchange yourself, the wholeness of your being needs you to shine your inner light of healing on these recurring episodes that require your observation, contemplation and self love toward full resolution. Only then will these experiences diminish in harm and begin to invoke a feeling of inner peace. It is about reclaiming lost parts of yourself with the utmost compassion.

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